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Frida, The Heroic Dog Looking For Survivors After The Earthquake In Mexico

More than 220 people have died and several more are still missing as a result of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Mexico on September 19 around 1 in the afternoon. Labrador retriever Frida, a 6-year-old member of the Mexican Navy, has emerged as the nation’s hero after pulling 12 people from the wreckage.

Every day, Frida puts her life in danger in an effort to rescue individuals who are trapped beneath collapsed buildings as a result of the powerful earthquake.

52 individuals have been rescued by Frida in her brief life from various catastrophes and natural calamities on a national and worldwide scale. She also pulled 12 people out of the wreckage in Oaxaca alone following the September 7 earthquake that measured 8.2 on the Richter scale.

Frida is a member of the Mexican Secretary of the Navy’s canine division (Semar). The tale of the dog Frida has inspired hundreds of people because of her bravery following the earthquake in Mexico.

Together with Eco and Evil, two Belgian Malinois shepherds, Frida assists in the rescue efforts during this most recent earthquake in Mexico City.

The dog battles to discover the survivors among the wreckage of huge structures while wearing a harness, visor, special shoes, and having a lot of courage.

Frida doesn’t show up in her outfit merely to appear adorable. Her visor shields her eyes from irritants like smoke and dust.

With the harness, you may raise or lower the structures while using the boots to avoid being hurt when digging and walking across hazardous terrain like glass and electrical currents.