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Dog Waiting For His Father Who Passed Away In A Hospital Has A New Chance To Be Happy

A few days ago, the “Peruvian hachiko” tale was revealed on social media, shocking hundreds of people. This adorable little dog, Ramses, waited outside a hospital for three days hoping to see his father again who had sadly died away.

On Facebook, Leona Morris posted some images of the dog outside the hospital along with the statement:

“This dog is waiting for his human to emerge, but the human passed away three days ago. He has to at least locate a temporary place because he is still waiting and is currently in the Essalud hospital in Angamos.

Magaly Periche Jacinto

Magaly Periche and Carlos Zelad learnt of the puppy’s predicament and decided to give him a second shot at life as a result of the publication being shared more than 3,500 times on the same day.

Magaly Periche Jacinto

Magaly stated to El Comercio:

“Poor little thing, no one is going to take him,” I thought when I read that the dog’s owner had died and that the puppy had been waiting for him for three days.

Magaly Periche Jacinto

The dog was not there when the couple arrived at the hospital, but they subsequently learned that he was being looked after at a neighboring restaurant. Ramses’ expression was incredibly dejected.

Magali declared:

“Just a few weeks prior, Carlos and I had been considering adopting a puppy, but the number of regulations and paperwork that was required of us deterred us. We started seeking for him since we reasoned that there wouldn’t be any more challenges with this dog around.

Magaly Periche Jacinto

“We discovered him on the ground. Others had come to view it, but they informed us that they had been there for 40 minutes and were unable to move it with anything but food. Even the restaurant owner remarked that it appeared as though the dog had been abandoned to die of despair.

Charles tacked on

He stood up when I said “hello” and caressed his little neck. Then I went down on the floor to be at her level and she started wagging her tail. I told Magaly, “That’s it, we’ll take it,” and that’s what we did. People claimed it was a miracle.

Magaly Periche Jacinto