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Rescued Pit Bull Tries To Work Up The Courage To Enter His First Real Home

A little over a year ago, a sweet little puppy named Valentine entered her new home for the first time. She was quite scared and instantly mustered all of her confidence.

Even though it was fantastic news, Valentine had spent the majority of her life in an uncomfortable hoarding environment giving birth to puppies. She had trouble trusting others again as a result of this, and had no idea what safety or comfort meant.

Even though Ashley Moses and her fiance didn’t sure how to handle this circumstance, they chose to take a chance on Valentine in order to offer her another shot.

Instagram/ valentinethepitmatian

Since they first saw her, the small dog has shown to be extremely timid, making it challenging to win her confidence. It almost looked as though her noble soul had vanished.

Ashley stated to The Dodo:

“During our interaction with her, we were unable to sense her personality. Her expression of sadness and shattered spirit was obvious.”

Instagram/ valentinethepitmatian

Ashley and her partner were unsure of their ability to manage the issue, but they knew they had to give it their best go.

Ashley also said

“As soon as I saw her image, I recognized her as our dog. It may seem cliche, but it truly was “love at first sight.”

The couple had their reservations before adopting her, and they still had them after. What can we do to win their confidence? and still others.

Instagram/ valentinethepitmatian

But the moment Valentine arrived at Ashley’s new house was what really destroyed her heart. It seems that the puppy was not yet ready to trust people, contrary to the couple’s hopes that she would be content to be protected.

Ashley remarked:

“We had to persuade her to come in with us. She was so terrified and perplexed that she refused to leave our home’s foyer.

Additionally, despite the fact that they bought him a ton of delectable delicacies to win his confidence, he continued to be quite depressed and did not want to engage with his new family. The next morning, something extraordinary happened, and Valentine suddenly altered her attitude for no apparent reason. Everyone in the family was quite concerned about her reaction.

The dog gave her mother hundreds of licks of appreciation and a smiling face in return for keeping a bit of distance, which was what her mother had hoped for.

Instagram/ valentinethepitmatian

Valentine appeared to have transformed overnight; she appeared to have realized that she was at last in a secure environment.

Ashley also said

“She was really a new dog; she was leaping about, playing, kissing me, and overall being extremely happy. Because we weren’t prepared for her to open up so early, it was a wild time!”

Valentine’s parents assisted her in overcoming all of the concerns that her prior existence had given rise to throughout the ensuing weeks, and she underwent a total transformation.

Instagram/ valentinethepitmatian