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This Male Orangutan Cares For His 2-Year-Old Baby After Her Mother Passed Away Last Month At The Zoo

A charming 2-year-old orangutan named Cerah resides in the Denver Zoo in Colorado, USA. After her mother tragically passed away last month, her little daughter was left alone. To the amazement of everyone working at the Berani Zoo, her father is now looking after her.

Male orangutans in the wild do not directly assist in rearing their young, claims Orangutan Foundation International. Females who are adults are more responsive and form strong bonds with them.

While the time spent with other orangutans is very brief, the mother/calf attachment lasts for many years.


Despite this, Berani has taken on the responsibility of parenting his daughter alone in order to be the greatest father he can be for her. It is clear from the cute pictures that the zoo has posted on its social media accounts that love forges unusual and unexpected connections.

Up to the age of five, orangutan cubs can be held, and they can be breastfed until the age of eight. Even young orangutans may remain close to their mother until the age of 10, roaming by her side and even eating and sleeping in the same trees.


Happily delighted, the zookeepers posted some lovely images of this model father and his little daughter along with the touching and endearing narrative a few days ago on their Facebook page.


In its posting, the zoo stated:

It’s exceedingly uncommon for Berani to take on the role of Mr. Mom, and Cerah couldn’t have wished for a finer father. Berani tends to all of her needs and is quite protective of her. When she falls asleep, he holds her, gives her comfort, and even gives her a hug.


Berani and the lovely Cerah have become close, and their unwavering affection is both uplifting and a wonderful illustration of how gorgeous and marvelous nature can be.