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A Brave Female Pit Bull In A Difficult Situation Kisses Each Of Her Puppies As They Are Rescued

After being left to her destiny, the pit bull called Rainbow gave birth to her babies. She immediately started doing all in her power to shield them from street life. Unfortunately, a major storm struck the state of California 48 hours after the mother gave birth, putting the family in peril.

Thankfully, members of the Hope For Paws animal rescue organization learned about the family and made the decision to travel more than 3 hours to assist them.

It was already dark when the rescue crew got there, making it incredibly challenging to find Rainbow and her pups.


She was also hindered in her search by the abundance of plants and flora, and it appeared that she had been effectively hidden while caring for her young.

Hope For Paws creator Eldad Hagar said:

It’s a wild, insane scenario, I tell you.

They eventually located all of the puppies and their mother huddled together in a sort of cave hidden behind some shrubs. The rescuers observed Rainbow attempting a variety of techniques to keep her babies warm and dry.


The locals had tried to save Rainbow on countless times, but she always backed off and preferred to run. She seems to recognize, however, that in order to provide her little puppies the safety they needed, she needed assistance while she was in that challenging circumstance with them.

Eldad made his way through the woods as stealthily as he could till he arrived at the cave where Rainbow was hiding with her young to attempt to free them.


Although the small dog had the option to go, she chose to confront her worries and wait for the sake of her young. Eldad made the decision to connect with the dog a little in order to win her trust. He fed her, stroked her, and even attempted to steal one of her puppies.


Rainbow started kissing the puppy as Eldad scooped up the first infant, as if trying to reassure him that everything would be well. The cubs that Rainbow had been cuddling with her mother were then brought out by Eldad, and Rainbow kissed each one as she observed them being carried away.

When a baby went missing and needed to be found, Rainbow sat by herself as though she knew it was time for her to be found. When Eldad returned, they carefully removed Rainbow from the bushes, placed her next to her young, and carried them to safety.