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They Discover A Curious Walking Shark That Has Been Accompanying Us For Millions Of Years

It’s extremely possible that when we hear about a shark that walks, images of enormous fish strolling serenely spring to mind. However, the well-known predator that we are accustomed to watching in movies is only a very distant relative of this animal. Researchers have found a little child whose existence had previously been completely unknown to the rest of the world.

Scientists from SCIRO, Conservation International, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, the University of Queensland, the University of Florida, and the University of Queensland released an essay earlier this year that summarized what they had discovered about the enigmatic walking shark.

“They are incredibly resilient and can endure in settings with minimal oxygen. Even on land, they can walk, according to Conservation International’s Dr. Mark Erdmann.

Only the northern regions of Australia, New Guinea, and the Indonesian islands of Raja Ampar, Aru, and Halmahera are home to these intriguing creatures.

These little sharks “walk” by using their pelvic and pectoral fins. This makes it easier for them to bury their heads under coral and rocks in search of fish, snails, and crustaceans to eat, according to Dr. Mark Erdmann.

For a long time, experts believed that sharks were one of the animals whose evolution may take the longest. However, those who discovered this intriguing walking shark made the decision to collaborate with a geneticist and conduct a number of DNA testing, which turned out contrary results.

It appears that the curious walker, which has existed for 9 million years, is the sharks’ most recent cousin.

Despite how recently it may seem, sharks have dominated the waters for more than 400 million years. This reveals its capacity for change.

This is a fantastic indication that sharks can adjust to changes in their environment. There are currently thought to be 9 species of these intriguing creatures. The priority right now is to save these fascinating species because they are crucial to the health of our environment.

“As climate change quickens, their ecosystems are the actual issue. Additionally, they have improved in attractiveness for aquarium display, according to Erdmann.